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Diamond electronics devices (DED)

Problem Statement:

The aim of this research is to develop a new generation of electronic devices based on diamond substrates, a domain which is termed Diamond Electronic Devices (DED). In the last decades there has been a growing interest in these devices, since their high power and temperature resistance are attractive for use in defense applications, particularly in space and radioactive environments. Using the Comsol Multiphysics software platform, the research aims to simulate the possibility of building diamond-based active electronic devices and structures, and to study and forecast their behavior in different extreme conditions, while varying important parameters such as breakdown voltage (VB) and temperature (T). The main concern remains the lack of clear numerical modeling for such devices.


Proposed Solutions:

ALEO Research Team, based on tens years of experience in the filed of analytical and numerical complementary models, works of the development of adapted designs, simulations and models for such devices.

​Jerusalem College of Technology

21 Havaad Haleumi St

Jerusalem 9116001, Israel​​

Tel: +972-2-6751140


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