Prof. Alan Willner visits ALEO
Former president of OSA visits ALEO
Prof. Alan Willner, a well-known friend of the Jerusalem College of Technology (JCT) – Lev Academic Center, is Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Southern California (USC) and a former chair of the OSA (Optical Society of America, now Optica). Recently, he visited JCT for an intensive week of meetings, lectures, and visits to the labs. In particular, he spent a full day with the ALEO (Advanced Laboratory of Electro-Optics) research team at the Nanotechnology Center for Research and Education, under the direction of Dr. Avi Karsenty, who introduced him to the students (PhD, MSc, and BSc candidates) and their research. The ALEO team was honored to share this edifying day with our special guest, and looks forward to meeting him again very soon.